13 research outputs found

    Multi-source imagery fusion using deep learning in a cloud computing platform

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    Given the high availability of data collected by different remote sensing instruments, the data fusion of multi-spectral and hyperspectral images (HSI) is an important topic in remote sensing. In particular, super-resolution as a data fusion application using spatial and spectral domains is highly investigated because its fused images is used to improve the classification and tracking objects accuracy. On the other hand, the huge amount of data obtained by remote sensing instruments represent a key concern in terms of data storage, management and pre-processing. This paper proposes a Big Data Cloud platform using Hadoop and Spark to store, manages, and process remote sensing data. Also, a study over the parameter \textit{chunk size} is presented to suggest the appropriate value for this parameter to download imagery data from Hadoop into a Spark application, based on the format of our data. We also developed an alternative approach based on Long Short Term Memory trained with different patch sizes for super-resolution image. This approach fuse hyperspectral and multispectral images. As a result, we obtain images with high-spatial and high-spectral resolution. The experimental results show that for a chunk size of 64k, an average of 3.5s was required to download data from Hadoop into a Spark application. The proposed model for super-resolution provides a structural similarity index of 0.98 and 0.907 for the used dataset

    Health Disparities through Generative AI Models: A Comparison Study Using A Domain Specific large language model

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    Health disparities are differences in health outcomes and access to healthcare between different groups, including racial and ethnic minorities, low-income people, and rural residents. An artificial intelligence (AI) program called large language models (LLMs) can understand and generate human language, improving health communication and reducing health disparities. There are many challenges in using LLMs in human-doctor interaction, including the need for diverse and representative data, privacy concerns, and collaboration between healthcare providers and technology experts. We introduce the comparative investigation of domain-specific large language models such as SciBERT with a multi-purpose LLMs BERT. We used cosine similarity to analyze text queries about health disparities in exam rooms when factors such as race are used alone. Using text queries, SciBERT fails when it doesn't differentiate between queries text: "race" alone and "perpetuates health disparities." We believe clinicians can use generative AI to create a draft response when communicating asynchronously with patients. However, careful attention must be paid to ensure they are developed and implemented ethically and equitably

    Nuevos avances farmacologicos y no farmacologicos en diabetes tipo 1, revision de las nuevas fronteras y retos en una enfermedad endocrina compleja

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    Type 1 diabetes (DT1) is caused by autoimmune destruction of insulin-producing β cells located in the endocrine pancreas in areas known as islets of Langerhans. The current standard-of-care for DT1 is exogenous insulin replacement therapy. Recent developments in this field include the hybrid closed-loop system for regulated insulin delivery and long-acting insulins. Clinical studies on prediction and prevention of diabetes-associated complications have demonstrated the importance of early treatment and glucose control for reducing the risk of developing diabetic complications. Transplantation of primary islets offers an effective approach for treating patients with DT1. However, this strategy is hampered by challenges such as the limited availability of islets, extensive death of islet cells, and poor vascular engraftment of islets post-transplantation. Accordingly, there are considerable efforts currently underway for enhancing islet transplantation efficiency by harnessing the beneficial actions of stem cells. This review will provide an overview of currently available therapeutic options for DT1, and discuss the growing evidence that supports the use of stem cell approaches to enhance therapeutic outcomes La diabetes tipo 1 (DT1) es causada por la destrucción autoinmune de las células β productoras de insulina ubicadas en el páncreas endocrino en áreas conocidas como islotes de Langerhans. El estándar de atención actual para la DT1 es la terapia de reemplazo de insulina exógena. Los desarrollos recientes en este campo incluyen el sistema híbrido de circuito cerrado para la administración de insulina regulada e insulinas de acción prolongada. Los estudios clínicos sobre predicción y prevención de complicaciones asociadas a la diabetes han demostrado la importancia del tratamiento temprano y el control de la glucosa para reducir el riesgo de desarrollar complicaciones diabéticas. El trasplante de islotes primarios ofrece un enfoque eficaz para el tratamiento de pacientes con DT1. Sin embargo, esta estrategia se ve obstaculizada por desafíos como la disponibilidad limitada de islotes, la muerte extensa de las células de los islotes, y mal injerto vascular de los islotes después del trasplante. En consecuencia, actualmente se están realizando esfuerzos considerables para mejorar la eficiencia del trasplante de islotes mediante el aprovechamiento de las acciones beneficiosas de las células madre. Esta revisión brindará una descripción general de las opciones terapéuticas actualmente disponibles para la DT1 y analizará la creciente evidencia que respalda el uso de enfoques con células madre para mejorar los resultados terapeutico

    Pancreatitis posterior a CPRE, Revisión Sistemática de la literatura sobre un complejo problema considerado Daño Colateral Gastroenterológico

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    Acute pancreatitis is the most common serious complication of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) resulting in significant morbidity and occasional mortality. Post-ERCP pancreatitis has been recognized since ERCP was first performed, and many studies have shown a consistent risk that must be balanced against the many benefits of this procedure. This review will discuss the pathogenesis, epidemiology, potential risk factors, and clinical presentation of PPCPRE. Moreover, it will discuss in detail the most recent updates of PPCPRE prevention and management.La pancreatitis aguda es la complicación grave más común de la colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica (CPRE), lo que resulta en una morbilidad significativa y mortalidad ocasional. La pancreatitis posterior a la CPRE (PPCPRE, por sus siglas en inglés) ha sido reconocida desde que se realizó la CPRE por primera vez, y muchos estudios han demostrado un riesgo constante que debe equilibrarse con los muchos beneficios de este procedimiento. Esta revisión discutirá la patogenia, la epidemiología, los posibles factores de riesgo y la presentación clínica de la PPCPRE. Además, discutirá en detalle las actualizaciones más recientes de prevención y manejo de PPCPRE

    Revisión sistemática sobre el uso de dispositivos ortopédicos en pacientes adultos con pie plano

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    Introduction: Flatfoot is characterized by medial longitudinal arch drop, hindfoot eversion, and loaded forefoot abduction. In addition, flat feet cause a variety of musculoskeletal symptoms in the lower extremities, such as pain in the knee or hip. The standard conservative treatment for flatfoot deformity is exercise therapy or foot orthotic treatment. Foot orthoses are prescribed for various foot conditions. However, the evidence for the provision of foot orthoses is inconsistent. The objective of this systematic review is to synthesize the evidence for foot orthoses for adults with flat feet. Methods: A computerized search was performed in May 2022, using the PubMed, Scopus, Pedro, Cochrane Library, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials databases. Intervention studies of any design investigating the effects of orthoses on flat feet were included in addition to case studies. Results: A total of 110 studies were identified through the database search. 12 studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the review. These studies investigated prefabricated and custom-made foot orthoses, assessing posture and plantar pressure during walking. Conclusion: There is a lack of evidence on the effect of foot orthoses for flat feet in adults. This review illustrates the importance of conducting randomized controlled trials and comprehensive development of guidelines for orthotic prescription in flatfoot. Given the weak evidence available, the common prescription of foot orthoses is somewhat surprising despite the fact that there is no literature or studies to support their use.Introducción: El pie plano se caracteriza por la caída del arco longitudinal medial, eversión del retropié y abducción del antepié cargado. Además, el pie plano provoca una variedad de síntomas musculoesqueléticos en las extremidades inferiores, como dolor en la rodilla o la cadera. El tratamiento conservador estándar para la deformidad del pie plano es la terapia de ejercicios o el tratamiento con ortesis de pie. Las ortesis de pie se recetan para diversas afecciones de los pies. Sin embargo, la evidencia para la provisión de ortesis de pie es inconsistente. El objetivo de esta revisión sistemática es sintetizar la evidencia de las ortesis de pie para adultos con pie plano. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda computarizada en Mayo de 2022, utilizando las bases de datos PubMed, Scopus, Pedro, Cochrane Library y Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. Se incluyeron estudios de intervención de cualquier diseño que investigaran los efectos de las ortesis en pie plano, además de los estudios de casos. Resultados: Se identificaron un total de 110 estudios a través de la búsqueda en la base de datos. 12 estudios cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y se incluyeron en la revisión. Estos estudios investigaron ortesis de pie prefabricadas y hechas a medida, evaluando la postura y la presión plantar durante la marcha. Conclusión: Hay una falta de evidencia sobre el efecto de las ortesis de pie para el pie plano en adultos. Esta revisión ilustra la importancia de realizar ensayos controlados aleatorios y el desarrollo integral de pautas para la prescripción de ortesis en pie plano. Dada la débil evidencia disponible, la prescripción común de ortesis de pie es algo sorprendente pese a que no existe literatura ni estudios que avalen su uso

    Rabdomiolisis Como Efecto Secundario Al Manejo Con Quetiapina Y Lamotrigina, Descripción De Un Efecto Secundario Infrecuente A Raíz De Un Caso Clínico

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    Objective: To describe a case of rhabdomyolysis associated with the use of quetiapine and lamotrigine in an adolescent treated for bipolar disorder. Method: Description of the clinical case, analysis of the associated factors and a nonsystematic review of the relevant literature. Results: An Young woman, with bipolar disorder and treated pharmacologically with quetiapine and lamotrigine, who presented myalgia and arthralgia with management established by psychiatry.. Quetiapine and exercise have been associated with rhabdomyolysis. The mediator mechanism of this association has not been found, although it has been established that there is neuromuscular dysfunction and an increase in sarcomere permeability. Conclusions: This clinical case allowed the complex interaction between antipsychotic agents and increased physical activity to be observed in a psychiatric adolescent patient, as well as the appearance of a potentially lethal medical complication.Objetivo: Describir un caso de rabdomiolisis asociada a uso de quetiapina y lamotrigina en adolescente tratado por trastorno afectivo bipolar. Método: Descripción del caso clínico, análisis de los factores asociados y revisión no sistemática de la literatura relevante. Resultados: Mujer joven con trastorno afectivo bipolar, tratado farmacológicamente con quetiapina y lamotrigina, que presento mialgias y artralgias con manejo instaurado por psiquiatría. La quetiapina y el ejercicio se han asociado a rabdomiolisis. No se ha encontrado el mecanismo que media tal asociación, si bien se plantea disfunción neuromuscular e incremento en la permeabilidad sarcomérica. Conclusiones: Este caso clínico permite observar la interacción compleja de los psicofármacos y la actividad física en un paciente psiquiátrico adolescente, y la aparición de una complicación médica potencialmente letal

    Germinoma supraselar en paciente pediátrico como causa de desnutrición crónica reporte de caso

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    Objective: To present the possibilities of clinical presentation of suprasellar germinoma in pediatrics. Case presentation: We present the case of a school patient with intense headache and chronic malnutrition of undetermined cause who after a seizure and by means of neuroimaging can be diagnosed as a brain neoplasm, however the confirmation is given by histopathology. Conclusions: germ cell-derived neoplasms are rare tumors with a varied clinical presentation that should be suspected and diagnosed using histopathology,Objetivo:  Dar a conocer las posibilidades presentación clínica del germinoma supraselar en pediatría. Presentación del caso: Se presenta el caso de una paciente escolar, con cuadro de cefalea intensa y desnutrición crónica de causa indeterminada  quien posterior a una convulsión y mediante una neuroimagen se puede dar el diagnostico de una neoplasia cerebral sin embargo la confirmación se da con la histopatología Conclusiones:  las neoplasias derivadas de las células germinales son tumores poco frecuentes con presentación clínica variada en quien se debe sospechar  y diagnosticar mediante es uso de la histopatología

    Time Series Analysis of Cryptocurrency Prices Using Long Short-Term Memory

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    Digitization is changing our world, creating innovative finance channels and emerging technology such as cryptocurrencies, which are applications of blockchain technology. However, cryptocurrency price volatility is one of this technology’s main trade-offs. In this paper, we explore a time series analysis using deep learning to study the volatility and to understand this behavior. We apply a long short-term memory model to learn the patterns within cryptocurrency close prices and to predict future prices. The proposed model learns from the close values. The performance of this model is evaluated using the root-mean-squared error and by comparing it to an ARIMA model

    Revisión del manejo del trauma craneoencefálico en urgencias

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    Cranioencephalic trauma is one of the main causes of death. It is important to take into account the initial therapy to stabilize the patient which includes airway management, hemodynamic stabilization, initial therapy of endocranial hypertension (ICH), sedation and analgesia; avoiding secondary complications and improving the prognosis of the disease. In this article we review the epidemiology, pathophysiology and therapeutic measures. Both general measures are discussedEl trauma craneoencefálico es una de las principales causas de muerte. Es importante tener en cuenta la terapéutica inicial para estabilizar al paciente la que incluye el manejo de la vía aérea, estabilización hemodinámica, terapéutica inicial de la hipertensión endocraneana (HIC), sedación y analgesia; evitando las complicaciones secundarias y mejorando el pronóstico de la enfermedad. En este artículo revisamos la epidemiología, la fisiopatología y las medidas terapéuticas. Se analizan tanto las medidas generales

    Mastocitosis cutánea difusa en pediatría, una entidad de difícil diagnostico

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    Objective: To present the possibilities of cutaneous mastocytosis in pediatrics. Case presentation: We present the case of a male infant with pemphigoid symptoms who underwent multiple studies suggested by a multidisciplinary team, finally the diagnosis was made with skin biopsy with subsequent management with antihistamines and resolution of the symptoms. Conclusions: Mastocytosis is a disease of low incidence in pediatrics, its diagnosis is based on a high index of suspicion, as well as knowledge of the pathophysiology to understand the associated systemic symptoms as part of the disease.Objetivo:  Dar a conocer las posibilidades presentación de la  mastocitosis cutánea en pediatría. Presentación del caso: Se presenta el caso de un lactante menor, masculino, con cuadro penfigoide al cual se le realizaron múltiples estudios sugeridos por un equipo multidisciplinario, finalmente el diagnóstico se realizó con biopsia cutánea con posterior manejo con antihistamínicos y resolución del cuadro. Conclusiones: La mastocitosis es una enfermedad de baja incidencia en pediatría, su diagnóstico se basa en un alto índice de sospecha, así como el conocimiento de la fisiopatología para entender los síntomas sistémicos asociados como parte de la enfermedad